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Vote Brandon Johnson!

On April 4th, we have the opportunity to elect one of the most progressive candidates since Harold Washington in a battle against white supremacy. There is too much at stake! Chicago deserves a mayor that invests in people and will create a city that is fair, equitable, and inclusive for ALL Chicagoans. Brandon has spent his career educating children and fighting for working-class families. Brandon is supported by multicultural and multigenerational coalitions. Chicago NEEDS a mayor that will bring ALL communities together to uplift our shared values; Stronger Public Schools, Accountable Public Safety, and Investment in the programs and services that make our communities safe and strong. NOT another machine politician trying to turn fear into votes. Vote Brandon Johnson for Mayor!

Make Your Voting Plan.

Chicago's 2023 mayoral runoff elections will be held April 4th. Early voting and vote-by-mail is available to voters across the city. Make sure you're ready to cast your ballot by reviewing your voting options.


Find Out if you are

Registered to Vote


Find Early Voting Locations and Dates


Register to Vote Online or In Person

Election Icons.png

Find Your Election Day Voting Location


Apply for a 

Mail in Ballot


Review What's

on your Ballot

2023 Election Deadlines for Chicago Voters

Review the following voter deadlines for Chicago's runoff elections and make your voting plan today.


March 20

is the first day of early voting in every ward


March 30

is the last day to apply online for a mail-in ballot 


April 4

is election day - the last day to cast your vote

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